An estimated 200,000-300,000 people in the UK have Lynch syndrome, but only 5 per cent have been tested and diagnosed1. This webinar​ looked at how the Lynch Syndrome National Genomics Project can improve earlier diagnosis for patients along wider discussion and best practice-sharing by the Lynch Syndrome Regional Engagement and Education Forum.


  • Overview of the Lynch Syndrome National Genomics Project
    Dr Jackie Cook, Clinical Director NEY Genomic Medicine Service Alliance (GMSA) and Dr Sally Lane, NEY GMS Pathology Lead
  • GMSA Lynch Nursing Team overview
    Gill Moss, Nurse Director NE&Y GMSA
  • Regional Engagement and Education Strategy; REEF Webinar Series
    Marie Kirwan, Genomic Nurse Lead NE&Y GMSA
  • Mainstreaming of LS germline testing pilots – our experience in the Northern Cancer Alliance
    Dr Loo, GMSA Regional LS Project Lead Northern Cancer Alliance and Dr Lee, Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Local Gynaecological cancer MDT audits of MMR testing
    Dr Rundle, Consultant Gynaecologic Oncologist, Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust and Joint LS project lead (Endometrial cancer) Northern Cancer Alliance
  • Discussion of Regional Expert Network
    Dr Jackie Cook, Clinical Director NEY GMSA and Dr Sally Lane NEY GMS Pathology Lead

What is the REEF educational series?

The Lynch Syndrome Regional Engagement and Education Forum (REEF) Webinar series aims to foster a regional community of practice for nurses, allied health professionals and clinicians involved in colorectal and endometrial cancer pathways.

This multi-disciplinary community of practice will help to systematically embed and integrate genomics across colorectal cancer pathways aligned with national strategy.

Each REEF webinar leads with a patient’s story on the impact of the lived experiences of individuals and families impacted by Lynch Syndrome.  The story shows how embedding Lynch Syndrome genomic testing significantly improves patient experience and outcomes.

Colorectal clinical subject matter experts present genomics standard of care and diagnostic testing requirements for integrating Lynch Syndrome across the colorectal cancer care pathway. An interactive workshop will follow using the bespoke education and training resources designed to help embed and support mainstreaming of Lynch Syndrome in everyday clinical practice.
