In order to support the interpretation of genomic data and its integration within the clinical Multi-Disciplinary Team process a series of genomic advisory boards have been established.

Genomic Rare Disease Advisory Boards (GRDABs) and Genomic Tumour Advisory Boards (GTABs).

These are multi-disciplinary teams who analyse the more complex genomic results which arise from testing for larger numbers of gene abnormalities.

The Boards will act in an advisory capacity, reviewing and providing interpretation of complex genetic testing including large gene panels, specialised services and whole genome sequencing. Output from the GTAB/GRDAB will be fed into the clinical MDT for a final decision in conjunction with clinical information.

Find out more about GTAB referral and submitting variants to the board here.

Genome Sequencing Review Process

The NE&Y GLH has established genomic advisory boards in the following areas:


Clinical Lead Dr Jackie Cook
Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Including review of Specialised Services
Inherited Cancer GRDAB

Solid Tumour GTAB

Pathology Clinical Leads Dr Nick West, Dr Bipin Mathew, Dr Eldo Verghese
Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust

Oncology Clinical Lead Dr Alastair Greystoke
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Adult CNS tumours GTAB

Clinical Leads Dr Fiona Collinson & Professor Susan Short
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Paediatric Oncology GTAB

Clinical Lead Professor Deborah Tweddle
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

HaemOnc GTAB

Clinical Leads Dr Catherine Cargo
Leeds teaching Hospital NHS Trust

Dr Chris Bacon
Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust