We are often asked… “how do you engage people in genomics for the first time?” and “how do you inspire those with little or no knowledge to want to learn more?” Our answer is simple, and always the same: patient stories.
Time and again, people tell us that real life examples of patients sharing their lived experience and the impact genomics has had (or is having) on their lives and that of their families is what inspires further enquiry. And that is why we have taken the opportunity to interview several patients for our Podcast: The Road to Genome. From the very first episode of Series One, we have featured patient stories. And, without exception, it is these episodes that have attracted the most interest, the most listeners and the most positive feedback.
For example, Jack Darling (S1 E1) has talked to us about his experience of being diagnosed with a genetic heart condition as a teenager, and what it means for him, his family and his future. Adam Clatworthy (S3 E3 & E4) has talked to us about the challenges of living through a diagnostic odyssey and the impact of having a daughter and son with an ultra-rare disease, Creld1. And Chris Hind (S3 E6) has talked to us about being diagnosed with a rare genetic condition and how this inspired him to get involved in helping other families going through a similar experience.
These are just a few of the powerful patient stories that have made such an impact and inspired so many people to start or continue their own journey of discovery. We are so grateful to all our guests. Series Four begins on Monday, 13 January 2025: Save the Date! Listen and subscribe here.