Welcome to the NEY Genomic Medicine Service
You have been offered an amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy in your pregnancy (a prenatal genetic invasive test), which may be because you have a family history of a genetic condition, received a higher chance screening result, or there has been an unexpected finding seen on your ultrasound scan.
The videos and written information below are designed to give you more information about these tests and should be viewed alongside the NHS PHE Screening in pregnancy CVS and Amniocentesis information for parents and discussions with your healthcare provider.
Family History of a Known Genetic Condition
If you are considering a prenatal invasive test when you have a family history of a known genetic condition, please view here.
Following a Higher Chance Screening Result
If you are considering a prenatal invasive test following a higher chance screening result, please view here.
Following an Unexpected Ultrasound Finding
If you are considering a prenatal invasive test following an unexpected finding on your Ultrasound scan, please view here.