Our June Lunch and Learn online webinar will be ‘Familial Cancer: Primary Care Management Scenarios’, with Dr Jude Hayward, GP with Special Interest in Genomics, for the North East & Yorkshire Genomic Medicine Service Alliance on the 13th June 2024.

‘There is cancer in my family, what does this mean for me?’

A GP’s guide to dealing with familial cancer referrals, with a focus on clinical management issues relevant to Primary Care.

It is common for GP’s to encounter patients who are concerned about a family history of cancer in our clinical practice.  Jude Hayward (GP / GPwSI in Clinical Genetics) works within both Primary Care and in the field of Cancer Genetics.  She will take you through all you really need to know to manage patients with a family history of cancer, including an overview of referral criteria and primary care management issues such as HRT and Contraception.

Register here