Genomics in the NHS: how far we’ve come, how far we’ll go

Genomics Conversation week is a national week of action to get health professionals talking about genomics, that runs from the 24-28 June 2024.

What is Genomics Conversation Week?

Have you ever wondered what genomics is, or wondered what is happening within the North East & Yorkshire Genomic Medicine Service to help embed it across the NHS?  Why not use Genomics Conversation week to connect with us and find out more about the work we are doing. You can follow us on X and LinkedIn for live updates throughout the week!

Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust has selected some helpful resources to view during #GenomicsConversation Week – whether you have 15 mins, half an hour or wish to delve more deeply into genomics, click HERE for some great recommendations!

You can also learn more about #GenomicsConversation week at the Genomics Education Programme’s website here

Drop-in Sessions

Each lunch time in genomics conversation week, a member of the NEY GMS team, from project managers to primary care leads, will be available for a drop in session to talk to you about the work they do.

Who is it for?

The drop in sessions are mainly aimed at health care professions, in any role. Patients and public are welcome, however please be aware that no personal cases will be discussed as this is a public forum.

How do I get involved?

You can register for each drop in session at the links below, or just turn up on the day! You can also find out more about what we have been up to recently, and some of the amazing work that’s been happening, by reading our latest newsletter here.

Monday 24 June – Lindsay O’Dair

Lindsay is Lead Genetic Counsellor and Deputy Clinical Lead for Northern Genetics Service and Genetic Counsellor Lead for North East & Yorkshire Genomic Medicine Service (NEY GMS).

Lindsay is a practicing genetic counsellor in the clinical genetics team at Newcastle with a mixed case load as well as managing the team of genetic counsellors, genetic nurse specialists and genomic practitioners. Within the GMS, she provides a link between the teams working on mainstreaming pathways in genomics and clinical genetics.

Register here

Tuesday 25 June – Gill Moss

Gill is Nurse Director for NEY GMS. Her role is to embed genomics into nursing and midwifery pathways where Clinical Nurse Specialists utilise genomic testing to support personalised treatment and facilitate better outcomes for patients.

Gill also raises awareness to senior nurses, midwives and commissioners about the benefits of genomics for patients across disease areas, and encourages funds to be directed to those specific areas.

Register here

Wednesday 26 June – Simanjay Singh

As a Project Manager for NEY GMS, Simanjay’s role involves assisting with the successful delivery of Genomics Projects and Programmes that are vital to providing the highest possible standard of patient care.

Simanjay is also involved with planning, risk management, problem solving and adapting project methodologies to fit specific transformational needs. He has specific interest in process improvement and optimisation within the patient pathways systems, through the use of data and statistics.

Register here

Thursday 27 June – Emma Groves

Emma is Pharmacy Lead for NEY GMS, providing leadership to embed genomics into medicines optimisation pathways and support implementation of pharmacogenomics.

Emma also has a keen interest in educational development and supporting colleagues to access genomics education, and adopt genomics into their current practice.

Register here

Friday 28 June – Dr Jude Hayward

Jude is Primary Care Lead for NEY GMS. Primary Care plays a key role in Genomic Medicine, through identifying patients who may have an inherited condition or be eligible for genomic testing, and in facilitating their onward referral and care co-ordination.

In the future, genomic information which helps guide prescribing (Pharmaocogenomics) and risk stratification (Polygenic Scores) is likely to be incorporated into Primary Care workstreams. Jude provides leadership in developing and embedding information into clinical pathways, and in education and workforce development to support Primary Care in their role.

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