We recognise that healthcare professionals will require different levels of education in genomics, depending on their role and experience. And whilst some will already be experts in this field, many will be starting from the beginning.

The Health Education England national genomics education programme aims to support NHS staff on their genomics journey. There is a multitude of easy-to-access resources available.  If you don’t know what genomics is, there are basic resources which will introduce you to genomics and explain the core concepts.

There are also resources specific to particular health professionals, such as nurses and midwives, right the way up to Continuing Personal Professional Development (CPPD) modules and an MSc in genomic medicine.  We’ve provided links to some general resources and educational materials, and more specific resources in the roles section of our website.

How can I learn more?

Join our education network and contact us to learn more

The NE&Y genomics education network has been established to bring together all those working in the genomics education arena in the region. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Helen or Emma.

[email protected]

Our team are:

Helen Bethell, Workforce Development and Education Lead, NEY GMSA

Emma Clark, Education and Training lead, NEY GLH