Midwives are in a unique position to support and inform women and their families about the opportunities of genomics around pregnancy.

From identifying a family history of a potential genetic condition at the booking appointment to explaining the testing options following a pregnancy loss, midwives use genomics to enhance the care pathways for women and their families.

Watch Denise’s video below about her journey to becoming Lead Midwife for Genomics, or listen to her podcast episode here.


How is Genomics relevant to Midwifery?

Have you ever felt unsure what to do when a woman discloses a family history of something during pregnancy? Could it be a genetic condition? Is it likely to affect her health during pregnancy, or her baby’s?

The advancing technology to read and interpret a human genome (DNA) means that there are now more opportunities to offer further information and testing. As midwives, we will continue to be an advocate for families, as we commit to keeping up to date with these advances in health care. But we don’t need to know it all…

An early referral to the appropriate team like clinical genetics, even if just to ask if it might be relevant, means that the women have more time and more options to consider.

The more publicity given to the potential of genomics will also mean that women and their families will start to ask what tests might be available to them. If we are not sure, we need to link with our relevant colleagues in perinatal genomics so that women won’t miss out on these opportunities.

Training & Resources

How can I learn more?

Why not join our midwifery network – North East and Yorkshire Genomic Medicine Service – Midwives interested in Genetics and Genomics Network (NEY MiGG’s.net)

Sign up to find out about latest news and events, available educational opportunities, and become part of a community of genomic midwifery champions.

For more information and to sign up, email NEY GMS Lead Midwife: [email protected]

Contact us to learn more

[email protected]

Our team are:

Gill Moss, Nurse Director NEY GMSA and Lead Nurse North West GMSA
Denise Barnes, Lead midwife